الخميس، 4 يوليو 2013



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الأحد، 19 مايو 2013

مثال رقم 4 - توكيل خاص

هذا هو الملف الأصلي:

هذه هي ترجمتي:

Special Power of Attorney

I, the undersigned, Reda Darweesh Salih Al Rahma, Emirati nationality and I hold passport No. A2555180, with my personal capacity and with my capacity as the owner of the land No. 111, block No. 8/2 which lies in Al Salma Area in Um Al Quwain which its total space is 32.50 meter from the east to the west and width 28 meter from the north to the south and it has border with a neighbor from the east, west and north and a street from the south and it is owned by me according to a property sale contract which is registered in the Real Estate Registry under No. 4900/2008, file No. 4249 dated on 24/7/2008, I give power of attorney to Mr. Sahil Kissaria Asef Abdul Hussein, Indian nationality and holds passport No. E6517915,  to represent me and be my deputy to sell the plot which its space, borders and specifications are mentioned above to whoever he wants with the price or replacement which he deems suitable and to receive the price and I give him power of attorney to sell to himself or to other party and to make gifts, mortgage, release the mortgage, sorting, exchange and waiver and to receive the plans and registration bonds and he shall have the right to supervise, administer, manage, rent and receive the rental values and in building the buildings on the land and issuing the necessary licenses for so and signing on the judicial acknowledgments and he shall have the right to direct the judicial notices and filing lawsuits with its various degrees and types and to sign on all the necessary papers before the land and survey departments  and all the official and non-official authorities in UAE in this regard, and I authorize him with all the authorities vested on me as the owner of the abovementioned land and he may give power of attorney to the others in all or some of what is mentioned above.

مثال رقم 3 - شهادة إثبات رشد

هذا هو الملف الأصلي:

هذه هي ترجمتي:

Government of Dubai
Dubai Courts

Personal Status Court
Certificate No. 7428/2012
Adulthood Certification

Certification Applicant: Sohail Asef Kessariya
Nationality: Indian

Praise be to Allah, peace and prayers be upon his messenger, then:
That on Monday, 25th of Ramadan 1433 H which corresponds 13th of August 2012, before me/ Soliman Ateya Ibrahim, the Judge with the Dubai Court of First Instance (Personal Status Court), attended the abovementioned with his legitimate capacity and said “I’ve completed 21 moon years and I’ve become mature and able to manage my money without guardianship and I demand confirming my adulthood and cancelling the guardianship on me and the official and non-official authorities shall deliver him his money to manage and act for them.

According to the demand, we have issued this certificate to act accordingly.

مثال رقم 2 - وثيقة لهيئة المواصلات

هذا هو الملف الأصلي:

وهذه هي ترجمتي:

National Transport Authority

To Whom It May Concern

The Maritime Transportation Section Administration with the National Transport Authority states that under the request of the owner, the licensing of the of using Al Nozha Foreign Boat, details mentioned below, has been canceled.

Licensing Details

Name of the Owner: Ahmed Al Kir Johnny                     Nationality: Turkish
Name of the Boat: Serenti                                                         Official Number: 203206
Coast Guard N o. DP3529
Length: 15.65                               Width: 4.94                       Depth: 2.64
Type of Engines: Man              Engine Force:  800       
Number of Engines: 2              Place of Registration: Dubai
1st Engine No. 41017813191772                      
 2nd Engine No. 41017813001772

This statement was issued under the request of the boat owner and the Administration shall not hold any responsibility toward the others.

Director of Maritime registration and Licensing Department: Signed

مثال رقم 1 - وثيقة زواج

لنبدأ ببعض قطع الترجمة التي قمت شخصياً بترجمتها

هذا مثال علي وثيقة زواج:

وهذه هي ترجمتي لهذا الملف:

Ras Al Khaimah Government
Courts Department
Marriage Contract

Husband: Fahd Mohammed Abdullah Al Matroushi    
Nationality: Emirati                                                       DOB: 11/5/1983
Holds: Passport                                                               No. A1767476

Wife: Zekrayat Abdul Aziz Saed
Status: Virgin
Nationality: She doesn’t hold any papers             DOB: 5/12/1985
Holds: Health Card                                                         No. 040108281201

Guardian: The Judge
Attorney: -------------
Nationality: Emirati                                                       DOB:
Holds:                                                                                  No.

Date of the Contract: 22/12/1430 H                    Corresponds: 9/12/2009
Place of the Contract: Ras Al Khaimah

Dowry: Fifty Thousand Dirham
In Advance: Twenty Thousand Dirham
Deferred: Thirty Thousand Dirham
Other Conditions: There are no conditions between them

1.     Abdullah Eissa Ibrahim Bosbei’                 Nationality: Emirati
2.     Mazed Said Abdullah Ahmed                       Nationality: Emirati

Issuance Date: 22/12/1430                                                 Corresponds: 9/12/2009
Contract File No. 1193/2009
Name of the Authorized (Ma’zoun):

Signature and Seal of the Court:
Judge of Ras Al Khaima Court of First Instance/ Mohammed Hamdan Rashid Al Shohi


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

تم إنشاء هذه المدونة لتعليم النشيء الجديد الصاعد بقواعد وأصول الترجمة ولمساعدتهم للإرتقاء بمواهبهم الترجمية حتي نصل إلي مستوي الإحتراف في الترجمة.

العديد منا قد بدا مشواره في مهنة الترجمة متعثراً بالعقبات والمعوقات التي تقف في الطريق ولا يبدو أنه يوجد مخرج منها.
لنقل أن هذه المعوقات والعقبات قد آن لها أن تنتهي وتقف ولا تمتد لاكثر من ذلك. فمعنا يمكننا أن نتقن مهنة الترجمة وبأسهل الطرق والأساليب.

فابقوا معنا،

مع أطيب الأمنيات
أ/ مصطفي محمد