الأحد، 19 مايو 2013

مثال رقم 2 - وثيقة لهيئة المواصلات

هذا هو الملف الأصلي:

وهذه هي ترجمتي:

National Transport Authority

To Whom It May Concern

The Maritime Transportation Section Administration with the National Transport Authority states that under the request of the owner, the licensing of the of using Al Nozha Foreign Boat, details mentioned below, has been canceled.

Licensing Details

Name of the Owner: Ahmed Al Kir Johnny                     Nationality: Turkish
Name of the Boat: Serenti                                                         Official Number: 203206
Coast Guard N o. DP3529
Length: 15.65                               Width: 4.94                       Depth: 2.64
Type of Engines: Man              Engine Force:  800       
Number of Engines: 2              Place of Registration: Dubai
1st Engine No. 41017813191772                      
 2nd Engine No. 41017813001772

This statement was issued under the request of the boat owner and the Administration shall not hold any responsibility toward the others.

Director of Maritime registration and Licensing Department: Signed

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